The Importance of Project Planning

You are about to start up a project, but are wondering if a plan is necessary?

A good plan is an integral factor in overall project success & should never be overlooked.
Irrespective of the chosen delivery methodology, project planning gives much needed structure, organisation & clear understanding of the deliverables by all members of the project team.

‘An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure’
- Benjamin Franklin

 The project plan is a core resource for tracking progress & to assure successful delivery of milestones throughout the life of the project. Effective management of the plan aids in early identification of potential constraints, blockers & risks to overall delivery.

Without a plan you are setting yourself up for disaster, expending the effort up front to develop a robust plan prevents a lot of wasted time & effort in the future, & could prevent ultimate failure of the project (project planning is not the only contributor to project failure!).

Are you struggling to build a project plan or to deliver projects successfully? Please get in touch with our experts project professionals who will be able to work through potential solutions bespoke to your business.